Affiliate Program's Terms
Illegal content. Never ever promote EroBits using resources that contain anything dealing with anyone below the age of 18 or any other kind of illegal materials, including texts, images, videos, etc.
SPAM. Never promote EroBits using any sort of SPAM. Unsolicited spam will not be tolerated. Should EroBits receive complaints of unsolicited e-mails sent by an affiliate, the affiliate's account will be terminated and payment of all commissions will be forfeited. The affiliate's information may be sent to the appropriate authorities.
Mass-mailings to opt-in lists may be acceptable provided that the affiliate: 1) Send us a copy of the e-mail that will be sent to receive explicit authorization from us. 2) Include an e-mail address where complaints and removal requests can be forwarded to.
Deceptive advertising. Don't make false advertising of our store. This may lead to chargebacks. Excessive amount of chargebacks may be a reason for immediate suspension. Affiliates employing fraudulent or illegal means of generating sales will immediately lose their affiliate account.
Credit card fraud is a serious legal offense. Every case will be reported to the credit card companies and to the authorities. If a mechanism to falsely generate signups is used, we will prosecute the offender webmaster to the full extent of the law, and the affiliate's account will be terminated and any commissions forfeited.
Erobits Affiliate Program is not responsible for any loss due to downtime resulting from any hardware, software or technical failure.
Contact Email. The affiliate has to provide EroBits with a valid e-mail address to be used for contact purposes.
Deactivation. EroBits may deactivate any affiliate account that is not profitable without warning.
Termination. EroBits reserves the right to terminate this agreement or program at any time, for any reason. Affiliates will get paid for all earnings generated up to that time, except in cases where it is determined that the affiliate has cheated by violating these terms and conditions.
Commission isn't paid on your own sales (i.e., products you bought for yourself). You're not allowed to create more then one affiliate account and/or refer your family members as new partners to get sub-affiliate commission. Otherwise, you affiliate account will be terminated and all payments will be forfeited.
EroBits reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time, and your continued use of the Website following any changes shall be deemed to be your acceptance of such change.
Thanks a lot for reading these rules carefully! In case of doubt, please contact the Erobits.