Back in the old days, amidst the remnants of a fallen kingdom, a formidable minotaur lorded over the cursed castle. Lady Maria, a resplendent warrior maiden, undertook a perilous quest to restore tranquility, unaware of the imminent danger that lay ahead. As she ventured down the timeworn stone staircase of the abandoned castle. A chill ran through her veins, and the encroaching shadows grew denser, heralding her approach to the beast's lair. With unwavering resolve, she recognized that there was no path of retreat.
Now the prisoner of the same beast she went to slay, she is the plaything of the monstrous minotaur. Unable to resist his massive member and relentless assault. She succumbs to his desires and ultimately becomes the prison of the minotaur!
50 high quality comic pages in PDF format